& help This is the MUSH online help facility for wizard commands and topics. The information provided by this command is generally not useful for anyone other than wizards and game maintainers, as the features described here are only accessible to characters whose WIZARD bit is set, or to those who have access to the directory where the MUSH data files reside. Syntax of help command: wizhelp [] To get a list of MUSH wizard topics: wizhelp topics To get a list of MUSH wizard commands: wizhelp commands See also: help. & commands Help is available for the following MUSH commands: CD DOING slay WHO wizhelp @addcommand @admin @apply_marked @attribute @boot @chownall @cut @dbck @delcommand @destroy @disable @doing @dump @enable @fixdb @freelist @function @hashresize @hook @kick @list @listcommands @list_file @log @logrotate @mark @mark_all @motd @newpassword @pcreate @poor @purge @quota @readcache @restart @shutdown @sqlconnect @sqldisconnect @timecheck @startslave @timewarp @toad @wall @allowance @comment @timeout & topics Help available on the following Topics: CAUTIONS CONFIG PARAMETERS DEBUG FEATURES FILES FLAGS INHERITANCE LOGGING MASTER ROOM PERMISSIONS SEARCH CRITERIA SITE LISTS & FLAGS Topic: FLAGS The MUSH server contains several internal flags, which are used to make various processes more efficient. These flags are not visible to anyone other than God, and should not be directly set. They are: Has_Daily Has_Darklock Has_Forwardlist Has_Listen Has_Redirect Has_Startup Player_Mails You should ignore the presence of these flags; they are used solely for server-internal purposes. & slay Command: slay Kills the indicated player or object without paying any insurance to the victim. It should be used in places where suicide should not be rewarded. See also: kill, IMMORTAL. & WHO Command: WHO The WHO command returns miscellaneous information about connected players. It returns the player name, connect time, idle time, and player flags just like the player WHO command (which is available as the DOING command), but returns the following information in place of the player's Doing string: Status flags - Located between the Idle and Room fields. See 'wizhelp DOING' for a list of possibilities. Room - The room that the player is in. Commands - The number of commands that the player has entered during this session (not counting machine commands). Host flags - Located between the Commands and Host fields: F(forbidden), R(registration), +(suspect). Host - The Internet host name or address from where the player has connected. See also: SESSION, DOING. & DOING Command: DOING This command is very similar to the mortal WHO command (the wizard WHO command returns different information). When run by a wizard, the DOING command reports additional information about the player in the form of flag letters between the idle time and the players' Doing string. The following letters may be present: D - Player is set DARK. d - Player is not shown on the WHO list because they have been idle for longer than the default inactivity timeout and the idle_wiz_dark configuration parameter has been turned on. (only if not D) U - Player is set UNFINDABLE. u - Player is in an UNFINDABLE location (only if not U). + - Player is set SUSPECT. See also: SESSION, WHO, DARK, UNFINDABLE, SUSPECT, idle_wiz_dark. & CD Command: cd This command is used in place of 'connect' at the connection screen, and allows wizards to connect DARK. & wizhelp Command: wizhelp Displays information from the wizard help file. The information is typically of use only to wizards and/or the game maintainer. See also: the source code. & @addcommand Command: @addcommand[/preserve] =/ This command adds a softcoded command to the MUSH's built-in command table. If already exists as a built-in command, such as 'look' or 'WHO', it will actually replace the functionality of that command, and all aliases that currently point to it. Basically, this is exactly like setting an ordinary $-command on , except the command matching occurs at the same time that normal built-in commands are matched, and thus can override a standard built-in command. does the execution of any action, unless the /preserve switch is specified and the object who entered the command is not God, in which case the object executes the content's of 's . The 'regexp' and 'case' attribute flags are respected, though note that the command itself gets automatically lower-cased, so the 'case' attribute flag is only useful against the command's arguments. Continued in 'help @addcommand2'. & @addcommand2 For example, if an @addcommand is done for 'look', the aliases 'l', 'lo', and 'loo', and the main command 'look' will all point to the specified softcoded command. The original command will be accessible via '__', in this case '__look'. Example: > &LOOK global = $look: say I looked here! > &LOOK_WITH_ARG global = $look *: say I looked at %0! > &LOOK_OUTSIDE global = $look/outside *: say I looked outside at %0! > @addcommand/preserve look=global look > @addcommand/preserve look=global/look_with_arg > @addcommand/preserve look=global/look_outside Continued in 'help @addcommand3'. & @addcommand3 Yes, you can specify more than one attribute to go with . When you type 'look' or 'look sofa', the game will execute all attributes that match what you have typed in. Aliases like 'l' are expanded to 'look' so you don't have to worry about those when you take command matching into consideration. If none of the attributes attached match (the attribute *must* begin with $ in order to match at all!), no output will be generated. Another use is to speed up use of a particular global command. Just use @addcommand to add it to the built-in list, and it will be looked up much faster. This command only takes one possible switch: /preserve - Execute as the invoker, not as the object containing the @addcommand'd attribute. See also: @delcommand, @listcommands. & @delcommand Command: @delcommand [=/] Deletes a command added by @addcommand. With only specified, deletes all added commands under . When you specify and , it only deletes that specific entry. If the command or commands you are deleting had replaced a built-in command, the built-in command and all aliases are restored to their normal names and actions. See also: @addcommand, @listcommands. & @admin Command: @admin = Sets a TinyMUSH configuration parameter to the indicated value. Type 'wizhelp config parameters' for a list of the config parameters that may be set. & @apply_marked Command: @apply_marked Performs once for each object in the database that has been marked via @mark or @mark_all, substituting the characters ## for the object number of the marked object. The command is performed by the player invoking the @apply_marked command, not by the marked object. This command may only be used when database cleaning is disabled (via @disable cleaning), as cleaning uses marking to check connectivity. See also: @mark, @mark_all. & @attribute Command: @attribute[/] [=] Performs operations on user-named attributes depending on the switch used. The following switches are available: /access - Changes the access to the named attribute. is a space-separated list of permissions to add or remove from the attribute's access permissions. For a list of possible permissions, see 'wizhelp attribute permissions'. /delete - Removes the named attribute from the attribute table. This switch does not remove instances of the attribute from objects, and any that remain will be renamed to the user-named attribute that re-uses the attribute number of the deleted attribute. /info - Prints flags globally associated with that attribute (similar to the output of '@list user_attributes'). /rename - Changes the name of the named attribute to . Note that changes to user-named attributes performed by this command are permanent and do not need to be performed each time the MUSH is restarted. & attribute permissions See 'help attribute flags'. & attribute defaults Topic: ATTRIBUTE DEFAULTS "Attribute defaults" apply to attributes with the global attribute flag "default". This includes built-in attributes of the format attr/oattr (such as @desc, @odesc, @succ, and @osucc). The attribute, if set on the "attribute default object", is used as a "template" for formatting the attribute when it is used "normally" (i.e., from a 'look', movement, or other command that invokes it, not from a function call such as get() or other such uses). It also applies to @conformat, @exitformat, and @nameformat, when invoked on a "look". The attribute on the default object is evaluated, just as if it were set on the calling object, with %0 as the normally-evaluated attribute on the calling object (or as null, if the attribute does not exist on the calling object). This behavior can be used to enforce "standards" for attributes such as @desc and @conformat across an entire MUSH, without requiring universal parenting of objects and forcing builders to follow unusual attribute naming schemes. Objects with the FREE flag ignore attribute defaults. Continued in 'wizhelp attribute defaults2'. & attribute defaults2 Examples: > @desc here=Test > look Limbo(#0R) Test > @admin room_attr_defaults=2 > @desc #2 = --%r%0%r-- > look Limbo(#0R) -- Test -- See also: exit_attr_defaults, player_attr_defaults, room_attr_defaults, thing_attr_defaults & @boot Command: @boot[/] Severs the named player's connection to the game. The player is given a notice that they have been booted. If the player is connected to the game more than once, then all connections to that player are severed. The following switches are available: /quiet - Don't give the booted player any special notice. /port - Disconnects only a specific port (port numbers may be obtained from the SESSION command). In this case must be a number. See also: @destroy, @toad, SESSION. & @chown See 'help @chown'. & @chownall Command: @chownall[/nostrip] [=] Changes the ownership of all of the victim's objects, rooms, and exits to the indicated recipient (or to the wizard performing the @chownall if no recipient is specified). All objects, rooms, and exits are set HALT, and have special flags and powers stripped from them. The /nostrip flag, when used by God, preserves all special flags and powers; if used by anyone else, it preserves everything except for the WIZARD flag, and powers. See also: @chown, stripped_flags. & @cut Command: @cut Cuts off the object or exit list for the current location at the indicated object or exit by setting [next(thing)] to NOTHING. Objects or exits that follow in the chain are not moved or otherwise changed, and are only accessible by object number. This command is intended for performing database repair, and should be used only with extreme caution. & @dbck Command: @dbck Performs a scan of the database looking for inconsistencies in the object chains, disconnected rooms, rooms waiting to be destroyed, and problems in the object free list. Problems that are found are reported to the log file, disconnected rooms are reported to their owners, and players are credited for rooms destroyed. Database checks are automatically run periodically, so there is usually no need to use this command. See also: @admin, @disable, @enable, @list, @purge. & @disable Command: @disable